Tuesday, August 22, 2006 @ 10:15 pm
Zhen zhen jia jia, jia jia zhen zhen

First day of holiday is ALWAYS gonna be fun. really. its like having a new girlfren...dat kind of feeling u noe...one word: shiok!
anyway, i think i woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. i mean my hair. MY HAIR!!! wow! it looked like ive jus been bombed in my dream. the moment i woke up, one thing was on my mind. its a black colour rect. box...with wire...controller...PS2!!! yea! im gonna play like i never b4!..or so i thought.
afternoon, theres some problems with us again. she said i made her damn fed up....and used words like: slut, fucker, lan chiao, chyee bye, ccb, and some other which i wont put up in case theres children reading (u aready did, jian wen) Ooo...oophs... sorry. normally, i would strip off my clothes and bang my backside against the wall. this time, i wont....becos she IS sick afterall... dunno body or mind...haiz...okok to be fair, im in the wrong oso...i aint no angel. i was like...damn fuckup with her not replying my calls and smses. i understand if she's sleeping. but i saw her online!. OOI!!! (if u* are reading this, ok. i WILL stop here)
another fren of mine is oso sick today..i wonder wad if erm...u noe...they meet up and share some tips on how NOT to get sick yaa...haha joking.
went to repair my phone today and was told to go back and collect THREE days later. WA LAO! 3days le!!! see, mi without my n80 is like a jockey without his horse. i feel empty. i feel naked. i feel dead. lol...wtf....no lar. joking onli.
went to play pool with daryll after dat...and guess wad, i won as many times as lionel looking as samantha's blog. WHOOHOO!! maybe i can consider joining pro...but u noe...my future lies in construction site...enjoying xmas eve with all the bangala playing foams....haiz...sad xia..
its holiday. i better not waste it on writing all these. my ps2 is calling mi. OKEY!!! IM COMING!!!
candice>> sori for wad i did in the afternoon. noe i must be more understanding...as u were sick. i was onli angry dat u didnt even wan to reply mi at all when u woke up and see all the miss calls and smses. i will try to change. get well soon.

sand>> thanks for the powerpoint slide. hope u get well soon...imagine the bear beside u... slowly....slowly.....haha
Daryll>> ppl always say dat giving gifts is not abt the present. its abt the heart. all i can tell u is.... BULLSHIT.
PPL looking for jobs>> ur plead has been heard...i will inform u all when i hav. hahahah!!! go enjoy ur holiday ba guys!